January 2011

Not only is he annoying,his creator has gone waaaaay to far. I have smashed three monitors so far.

orange annoying an apple

The terrified marshmallows are the saddest.
marshmallow foo

Well, I know I’m pumped up to “Win the future!”

This statement has caused Msdrfooms to have conniption fits. I rarely see her this fried. “Win the future? What the hell does that mean?”

I tried to calm her down, but once she’s gummed her oatmeal, she’s primed.

If I was writing the speech, it would be “Win the Mustard!”

Please support the Mustard Museum. A pork roast slathered in the proper mustard roasts up just fine. But you’ll never know unless you put it in the oven and take it out in the future.


A young friend of mine sent me this link:

My life as a signer:

What is to me, super funny is, this is exactly her style of humor and except for the nail polish is very much like her physically.

Here it is

The Centaur reference is so much her. We all need this kind of humor at work.

So La Nina has been pretty tame so far, but as historians like to point out, back in 1989 the winter here in the PacNW started off kind of slow, and then in February, La Ninacompoop let loose with some pretty nasty stuff.

Will the awful weather back east turn around and hit us here in the banana belt of Seattle? Do I care? No, not too much. We have many cans of sardines, pineapple, beans (come on, baby, light my farts! It keeps the methane down and is a source of heat), cat fud, and wine. So a week or two of frozen hell is ok as long as the electricity stays on. If it fails, all my cacti die. Well, that would be awful but it would make for a big tax deduction.

Yes, catastrophes like that are deductible, I’ve done it before. I took many pictures of all my mused cactususes. It was sad. I hadn’t really done a major inventory before. It was enlightening how much one has invested in just stuff you have around.

Think about it, how many dollars in CDs, DVDs, related items? Do an inventory. Then send me an email reminding me I still haven’t done mine!

Hey, did you hear, the earth wobbles, so what, but that means the astrological stars aren’t quite where they should be. In Seattle the astrologers are saying, no big deal, we don’t pay much attention to the stars, we are local, you know, our own solar system and galaxy, not all that far away stuff. D’oh!
And I say, duh. Where do they think a great many of the stars we can see exist? Sure there’s some far away stuff but lots of those little twinklies in the constellations are local, relatively.

Plus some crazy Babylonian deleted on astrological sign that covers late November to early December!

Makes one wonder who you can trust anymore. Who’s telling the truth? What don’t they know, or don’t acknowledge they know that affects our very existence. Next thing will be something mind boggling like:

Voyager, having left our solar systems confines and going deep into space, has sent back a very weak signal but quite understandable:

“Distance, detect edge of universe at 45 million light years. Analysis, cardboard with tiny holes punched to let light through.
Disturbance in front, appears like giant pair of scissors.”

Well, it was funny if you were there.
To take our friends’ minds off their very sick grandma in the hospital, and to keep starving college students from passing out during the church service, we sometimes take them out to lunch, after the service and hope the food will last them until next Sunday.
Azteca serves reasonably priced tolerable Mexican sort of food up here in the Pac NW, and in sufficient quantities that the starving college studentess could take home enough to keep her in food for the next week.

And what do we get in exchange? Stories! Of family and the strange things people do that are sometimes not quite good mealtime discourse, yet cause much laughter and grimacing and pinching. (Don’t tell that one! PINCH! Ow. I will if I want to. NO! PINCH! Ow, stop it!) and that’s just the adults.

The short version with no names attached as to who said what:

The hamsters had fleas, gnats, whatever so I put them (the hamsters) in the freezer. Hey, it’s a humane way to kill them all.

We have three freezers in the basement, two of which you could stuff a person into.

I did not ring the zebra finches necks!

Baby snakes can’t eat baby rats.

Actually the princess doesn’t kiss the frog, she throws him across the room against the door, SPLAT!

Easy A, oh I loved that movie. (See, we could speak about something not disgusting, it is a pretty good movie.)

Let’s see if this works:


We love Canadian bacon, but why does it cost so much?
We spent New Year’s Eve day up on the island with the parental units and the grandunit on a lovely if cold sunny hike in the woods where we were not shot at and the grandunit slept even though the dadunit pushing the stroller hit every bump, hole and rut in the path.

Then a lovely meal at the Knead and Feed in Coupville, since the grandunit is still too young to take into Toby’s Tavern, sigh, where they serve excellent Penn Cove Mussels.

The UW Huskies whooped Nebraska. I’ll be making many breads today, plus cherry ice cream, and, jeez, couldn’t they have found a better opponent for Oklahoma to play today? Wisconsin is gonna beat TCU embarrassingly, you read it here first.

I have to close the end of year books for the church. Should have that finished by 2012. I am not an account nor do I play one.